Thoughts on Google’s “Project Glass”.

Every time I see a revolution in the tech industry, I tend to try to embrace it, rather that start critiquing. Being negative about everything will definitely not take things forward.

Google glasses might be a disruption in the tech industry, especially in the area of wearable technology. There are, however, plenty of issues arising and worth discussing.


Ergonomic Issues.

1. Eye-strain and eye-fatigue. Put simply, the brain struggles to “keep things real”, and that’s why people tend to have headaches after 3D movies. Will there be a relevant issue with these glasses?

2. Weight. My current glasses, without any technology whatsoever, feel heavier as the day progresses. I just can’t imagine what might happen if someone crams all that technology in them.

3. A health issue. They used to say the cell phone antenna is harmful for our brains (remember?) and they recommended the use of blue-tooth headsets or hands-free while talking. So, I’m guessing we overcame all the brain tumour issues and are now comfortable enough to have all the transmitters and receivers right next our brain cells all day long. Nice.


The Environment.

4. The sun. When we actually need to wear sunglasses, what will happen to those tech ones we rely upon? Will they incorporate some sort of sophisticated shading technology to protect our eyes, or we will have to resort to the “traditional” smartphone during the summer?

5. Gravity. If they are dropped, then I guess it’s game over. Even the slightest scratch will affect the interface dramatically, since it will be right there, in front of the retina.

6. Rain. I’m betting they are waterproof to an extent…


Usability Issues.

7. Control. Since, according to the video, the gadget’s control is solely the user’s voice (unless some breakthrough technology has been developed to incorporate the eye movement), how would one control this device when at noisy places? Or when at places where you’re supposed to be silent, like hospitals and the library? Or if you want to send a private message to someone? Just imagine how fun it will be having everyone controlling their glasses during a flight (on flight mode, of course) or on a train. Or just looking at everyone talking to themselves.

8. Games and apps. Then again, how about when playing games or using apps? Unless these industries turn to augmented reality solutions, it will be problematic to control everything by voice.



9. Theft-prone. Apparently, those things will be made for wearing all the time, throughout the day. This will be a great heads-up for all the thieves at an area.

10. Privacy concerns. Since these glasses take photos and I’m guessing videos as well, that might be of an issue and its use will be banned not only from certain places, but from certain interactions with people. As long as it’s on, it might as well be recording…



Is it a standalone device? In this case, the new glasses presume that the everyday user will shift from the current phone use (playing games, running sophisticated apps, browsing the web) to just calling, taking photos and sharing. This is a “back to the roots” situation, where our mobile phone made calls, sent text messages, and once in a while took a picture or two, only now we add some social integration to the game. But, if that’s the case, are the users ready to sacrifice their current mobile lifestyle for a different one?

Is this just another gadget to use in combination with the phone? In this less likely case, it is just a “niche” product that will be more of a fashion statement, having its full functionality restricted and dependent to an already existing product.

Speaking as a technology enthusiast, I do believe that this gadget is a great concept, paving the way to a more augmented reality-like technology experience, but I am very curious to see the way it will define itself. But, the fact that Google has decided to actually turn this concept into reality, it means that they have figured out most of the issues surrounding it and if the product is well thought and prove to be successful, then the rest of the companies will have something to worry about.

For the time being, we will just have to wait and see!

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