Archive by Author | Filippas Kotsis

Adaptive User Interfaces

The use of Mobile phones has grown exponentially. Gartner Inc predicts that mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide by 2013. Smartphones have seen an even greater growth over the last few years, in the UK alone, more than half of adults possess one and growth is only set […]

Responsive web design

I’ve been doing quite a lot of research lately on responsive web design. This fancy name was given to a combination of techniques, such as media queries, fluid proportion-based grids and flexible images which adapt a website’s layout to the viewing environment (phone, tablet, desktop etc). Long story short, it is an alternative to the […]

Thumbs or index?

This is not by all means a debate about which of the two digits is best! It’s about which of the two interaction techniques should tablet application designers design for. It has been observed that people who use tablets tend to use two different techniques to select items on the screen, depending on the way […]

The Devil wears… Glasses?

So it has fallen to me to be the devil’s advocate, as our other two blog members have declared their skepticism on a technology that nobody has seen or experienced yet. I will try to stir away from the ergonomic and usability issues that have been covered by George and Dimitris, focusing more on what […]